Goals and missions
The Europeen Independent Committee of Islamic Finance (CIFIE) headquartered in the French Capital Paris, was born in the context of the recent efforts of the French government to create a legal framework to accommodate the Islamic Banks. The committee will participate actively to bring answers and solutions to all questions related to the integration of the Islamic Finance in France and in Europe.
From our point of view, Islamic finance can not be treated properly and rigorously without taking into account its context. Thus, in addition to preeminent experts in Islamic law including “Fiqh al-mu’âmalât”, our committee includes experienced professionals and specialists in conventional finance and French law.
Our committee is independent, the Shuyukh and specialists who compose it are living and working in France. They have a long experience dealing with Islamic Finance which gives them the necessary understanding in this difficult and complex area.
To achieve its objectives and to ensure the best quality services and authentic “fatwas”, the committee is structured in three departments:
- The Legal Consulting Department (CJC)
- The Financial Department (CDF)
- The Legal Department (CJF)
1- The Legal Consulting Department (CJC)
This department is the heart of the committee. It is composed of preeminent experts in Islamic law, living and practicing in metropolitan France.
The CJC is composed by a mixed committee, a secretary and a spokesman.
Mission: Express legal opinions (fatwas) on Islamic financial products and advise the investors.
Working Instruments: newspapers, websites and publications.
Permanent members:
- Doctor Moulay Mounir ELKADIRI: Chairman of CIFIE
- Docteur Ash-shaykh Tarek ABO EL WAFA
- Docteur Ash-shaykh Abou Zakariyya AL-HUSAYNI
- Docteur Ash-shaykh Hamada KHALDOUN
- Doctor Ash-shaykh Muhammad Jamîl CHERIFI
- Ash-shaykh Aberrahmân BELMADI
- Ash-shaykh Nabil YAMANI
- Ash-shaykh Laide BRAHAMI
Mixed Committee (Financial/Legal):
- Ash-shaykh Tarik ABOU NOUR (secretary-general)
The Mixed Committee is responsible, in close collaboration with CDF department, to explain in details the financial products to CJC department to allow it to express on clear knowledge its legal opinion “Fatwa”.
External Advisors:
*Doctor Ash-Shaykh Abdullah Al-bashir, head of research at the research branch of the Government of Dubai (United Arab Emirates), internationally renowned expert in Islamic finance.
أ.د. عبد الله البشير
كبير باحثين إدارة البحوث
حكومة دبي
شارك في تنفيذ البرامج العلمية على مختلف المستويات ـ الدبلومات الوسيطة والعالية والبكالوريس ـ والتي كان ينظمها المعهد العالي للدراسات المصرفية
وكان من تلاميذه عدد من مدراء البنوك والمؤسسات المالية والاقتصادية عبر العالم حكومية وغيرها
*Doctor Aziz A. Shaikh Omar Alani, professor of Islamic Finance, University of Bahrain. Shariah Board Member of the Bahrain Development Bank.
د – عمر عبد العزيز العاني
أستاذ الاقتصاد الإسلامي جامعة البحرين
عضو هيئة الرقابة الشرعية في بنك البحرين للتنمية
*Doctor Ash-shaykh Ahmed Lisân Al-haqq.
- PHD in Islamic economics, politics and Islamic Case Law (“Fiqh”).
- Professor in Al-Qarawiyyîn University (Fes/Morocco).
- Author of several books in Islamic economics:
منهج الاقتصاد الاسلامي في انتاج الثروه واستهلاكها
الدار البيضاء : دار الفرقان للنشر الحديث, 1987 /ثلاث أجزاء
الوسيط في الاقتصاد السياسي الإسلامي والعصري و نظام الشركات الإسلامية والعصرية
جزئين/ فاس 2001
*Doctor Ash-shaykh Abdellah Mu’sir Professor Director of Islamic Studies Center in university AL-Qarawiyyin (Fes/Morocco)
*Doctor Ash-shaykh Ahmed Al-waraynî Director of the Savant Assembly in Taza (Morocco).
*Dr. Mohamed Karrat was formed in Sharia in the most distinguished universities in the Islamic religious studies, namely Al Azhar University in Egypt and Al Quarawyyine University in Fes, Morocco. Dr Karrat Holds a PhD from the Faculty of Sharia (Fes) at Al Quarawyyine and is currently a Professor of Islamic Jurisprudence and its foundations at the same university and a Partner at Al Maali Islamic Finance Consulting. Before joining Al Maali, Dr Mohamed held several senior academic and research positions in Islamic jurisprudence in Awqafs (endowments) Ministry in the UAE before joining the Fatwa Committee in Abu Dhabi where he was in charge of Islamic financial and commercial transactions
*Râbita Muhammadia of Ulémas (Rabat/Morocco) : www.arrabita.ma (Educational Partner)